Bonded DSL2
Higher performance from existing DSL infrastructureArrange a Consultation
Bonded is better!
When alternative technologies are not available or too expensive, bonding DSL connections can achieve a viable alternative high-performance solution.
Multiplying performance.
Bonding DSL connections involves taking multiple DSL connections and using our network and routing smarts, we can double, triple, quadruple or even further combine DSL connections together to achieve higher upload and download speeds.
Achieve higher upload speeds.
ADSL suffers performance with distance from an exchange, and most often 1mbps upload is all that is possible. By taking 2, 3 or more connections, we can multiply that and give the business access to cloud-based applications/solutions and VOIP, that demand higher upload speeds. With bonding, Clear has achieved speeds of 8mbps up and 80mbps down as an example.
Suitability assured.
The solution is very affordable but requires sufficient phone lines to be available within your building, and speeds are subject to distance from the exchange. We can assist with determining if this is a viable solution for your business.

Clear Bonded DSL may fit your need perfectly
Primary link
As a primary link where alternatives are not available
Remote offices
For regional or smaller remote office where costs of Fibre or EoC is prohibitive
Failover solution
As a failover solution for Fibre/Fixed Wireless

Can Clear help provision better DSL for your business?
Let one of our Corporate Solutions specialists call you back at a convenient time.
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