nbn™ Sky Muster™ Plus
Sky Muster™ Plus
Sky Muster™ Plus offers two key improvements to the Sky Muster™ service.
- More unmetered data for basic web browsing, email and system software updates
- Speeds up to and sometimes exceeding 25/5mbps if application and network conditions allow*.
What this means for an average user is that when they exhaust their monthly data allowance, wholesale download speeds will not be slowed down for regular web activities like accessing emails or internet banking.
According to nbn™, Activities such as gaming and video streaming will continue to contribute towards the overall monthly data limit of users and, once the cap is reached, will be speed-shaped down as they are now. However the unmetered essential services can continue to function unshaped*.
This will give people in regional and rural Australia the peace of mind that emailing your loved ones or accessing internet banking need not slow down once your monthly data limit has been exceeded.
*Traffic Profile must fit categories below.
- Traffic Profile 1: Basic Web-browsing
- Traffic Profile 2: Email
- Traffic Profile 3: Operating Software Updates
*Here is a summary of nbn™ traffic categories and shaping policy:
Name | Traffic Category | Time of Day | Data Allowance | Shaping Policy | Fair Use Policy |
Unmetered Content | Profile 1 – Basic Web Content | Any time | N/A | Unshaped | Traffic related to browsing text & static images (but not audio or video content, peer to peer traffic, traffic via VPN, cloud file storage or sharing). No excessive automated downloads |
Profile 2 – Email | Any time | N/A | Unshaped | Traffic related to email and webmail use (but not traffic via VPN). No routine emails larger than 20 MB | |
Profile 3 – Operating System Updates | Any time | N/A | Unshaped | May include some traffic related to operating system updates for personal computers and mobile phones. No updates to more than 20 devices per calendar month | |
Metered Content | (Traffic that does not fit categories above) | Peak Hours (7:00 am to 1:00 am next day) | Peak Data Allowance | Unshaped then 512/256 kbps if data allowance exceeded | No more than 30 GB in excess of data allowance per calendar month |
Off-Peak Hours (1:00 am to 7:00 am) | Off-Peak Data Allowance | Unshaped then 2048/512 kbps if data allowance exceeded | No more than 30 GB in excess of data allowance per calendar month |
- Satellite Broadband is high speed internet access that is ‘always on’.
- No phone line is required.
- nbn™ professionally installs a satellite dish on your roof, typically 84cm in size.
- All you need is a computer with an Ethernet card and a router if you want to share the service with multiple devices.
- nbn™ provides all the equipment.
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