Clear Community Broadband

What are the peak and off peak times?
Peak period time is from 8:00am to midnight, Off peak period time is from midnight to 8:00am.
Please be aware this is subject to change. Any changes will be published on our website.
Your account will have been debited at the time of sign up for the first month plan fee, installation costs and for additional equipment and services you have chosen. Included in this pack you will find a copy of your first invoice. Once your service has been installed you will then be billed for your plan fee one month in advance on or around the 1st of each calendar month. Your second invoice will be issued after installation and will include a pro‐rata fee for the period from installation until the end of the first month, plus one month’s fee in advance.
You can change your credit card / bank details at anytime by logging into your Clear Account Page (refer to the attached letter for details). If you requested additional equipment this will also be debited at the time of sign up.
How can I access account information?
You can access your account information, view your usage and your plan details all by the click of a button. To do this type in the following link and enter your preferred email address and password. These details can also be found in the attached letter.
Who do I contact if I experience a service outage?
If you experience a service outage please contact Clear Networks and we will provide you with an ETA for resolution.
When will my service be activated?
New activations are carried out in four stages:
Stage 1 – The customer needs to fill in the application form which can be obtained from the Clear website or by calling us. You have already completed this step.
Stage 2 – After your application form is received by Clear broadband, it will be loaded into our provisioning system and an account will be created. This will not become live until activation of your service.
Stage 3 – Generally your service will be activated within 1 to 3 business days of Clear receiving your completed application form.
Please Note: If you have requested that your existing telephone number be transferred to your ClearTalk VoIP service a further delay of between 5 and 10 working days may be expected. This is dependent on the speed of processing by your previous telephone service provider.
Stage 4 – A router, if ordered, will be configured by Clear and shipped to you usually within the next 5 business days.
Please note from time to time delays will occur for various reasons. We do not guarantee timeframes for activation and cannot be held liable for delays.
Where do I want the equipment to go?
Connection Ports will already be in place in one or various rooms within your apartment. Internally these are wired back to a communications cabinet within the apartment.
The main connection point will be labelled as D1. At the D1 point your connection configuration will be dependent on the type of service you have ordered.
  1. Internet only
    You can connect via a cable directly from your D1 port to a computer or into the WAN (Ethernet) port of a wireless router, for transmission within your apartment.
  2. Internet and VoIP (voice over internet protocol )
    You can connect via cable directly from the D1 port into a wireless router for transmission within your apartment. An ATA (analogue telephone adapter) can then be plugged into the router for connection of a normal telephone device (handset/cordless telephone base station).
  3. VoIP (voice over internet protocol ) telephone service only
    Your ATA (analogue telephone adapter) or VoIP enabled telephone can be plugged directly into the D1 port.

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