A warm Christmas cheer from Clear!

It’s been a big year at Clear.

  • We managed to (finally) launch our new website and have also taken the opportunity to update our “look” with a new logo and colour scheme. Hope you like it 🙂

  • Our network is humming and continuing to build! Our Fixed Wireless network is continuing to expand across Melbourne with more than 50 access points, while Perth has dramatically expanded (and will continue to expand into 2018). Tasmania and many regional locations have grown as well. We can confidently boast that we offer the fastest internet service in Broken Hill! And we have plans to dramatically boost our coverage and speeds, servicing both business and residential customers in the new year.

  • We’ve seen some ups and downs with the rollout of the nbn™ around Australia – it’s a massive undertaking, after all – but the good news is that the great majority of our nbn™ customers are reporting a very positive experience from their new service. It’s nice to end the year on a happy note! Improvements to the nbn™ Sky Muster™ service have been dramatic and calls to our helpdesk have all but ceased.

  • We have increased our support hours to 9pm AEST, and extended to Saturday support as well, to increase our availability to our customers. You’ve given us lots of positive feedback on that, so we will continue to look for ways to increase hours.

  • We’re increasing capability of our systems to report and communicate better with customers and hope to launch new channels such as a Clear App and new and improved MyClear in the new year.

As we all take a moment to slow down, relax, enjoy our families and recharge the batteries ahead of 2018, the team at Clear wish you a very Merry Christmas and “glad tidings” for the season.

Be safe out there!

Someone from